Video Evidence for Legal Proceedings on PSC Protest 18th January 2025
The following video footage is available to download for evidential use.
If you are a solicitor representing an arrestee, please contact me by email or instagram DM to request the password, or contact Green and Black Cross at
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Notes on the footage available, listed chronologically:
Time of recording: 11:55–11:56am
March arriving on Whitehall from north end, Trafalgar Square
Time of recording: 12:29–12:30pm
Police push protest crowds southwards down Whitehall
Time of recording: 12:45-12:46pm
Arrest of a young woman near Downing Street
Time of recording: 14:07pm
Police line at north end of Whitehall, from north side
Time of recording: 15:06–15:08pm (metadata overwritten on this clip, date incorrectly shows 3/2/2025)
Police line gives way to protesters after an order of “withdraw” from a senior officer. One officer can be seen waving the crowd northwards up Whitehall.
Time of recording: 15:09–15:10pm
Police line at north end of Whitehall, from south side
Time of recording: 15:10pm
Crowd at north end of Whitehall including protest organisers and leaders
Time of recording: 15:17–15:18pm
Participants being denied exit by police line on Charing Cross Road, by St Martin-in-the-Fields Church
Time of recording: 15:18pm
Participants at police line on Charing Cross Road, by St Martin-in-the-Fields Church
Time of recording: 16:22pm
Police organising and moving outside Waterstones on Trafalgar Square
Time of recording: 16:23–16:24 (prior to Met Police pre-advertised 16:30 curfew)
Police begin kettling a group in south-east corner of Trafalgar Square, prior to 16:30 curfew
Time of recording: 16:25pm
Police begin kettling a group in south-east corner of Trafalgar Square, prior to 16:30 curfew
Time of recording: 16:26pm
View of complete kettle in south-east corner of Trafalgar Square, including blockage against the route back to Whitehall
Time of recording: 16:28–16:29pm
Female arrestee being transported to police van, south side of Trafalgar Square
Time of recording: 17:02pm
Male arrestee in monk’s robes being loaded into police van on Northumberland Avenue